Express Billing and Consulting Services Inc.
"Join Express today for more cash tomorrow!"

Our Services
We will pick up all billing work once or twice a week. At that time billing sheets from the previous week showing procedures and patients billed, balance sheets, as well as any other reports which may be necessary for your practice may be delivered.
We also do patient billing and help with collections. We are able to do your commercial billing.
We are your billing solution!
When choosing us you will eliminate the following:
▪ Staffing cost and scheduling problems
▪ Expenses related to billing equipment and supplies
▪ Distractions concerning billing requirements
▪ Collection problems and processing backlog
▪ Time consuming matters with insurance companies

omputerized medical billing service which offers a professional service for an economical fee.
lso offer direct communication to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicare, Medicaid, and most commercial carriers.
elp with slow cash flow, filing electronically and expeditiously substantially shortens claims turnaround time.
ervice payment to a health care provider will be received on an average of 7-14 business days.

© 2009 Express Billing and Consulting Services Inc. All rights reserved.
Reasons to call
Improved Cash Flow
Knowledge of HMO's
Patient Billing
Commercial Billing
Reduction of Paper Work
Quality and Expedient Work
Phone: 800-297-9114 HIPPA Compliant